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Link set up:

After artwork and pricing approval, we will set up your link to your specifcations. We can offer multiple shirt styles, colors, sizes, and even print designs within a single link! You will receive the link to preview, and once it’s exactly how you want, you are free to share the link and encourage orders.


Cost for Link Set Up:

We offer 4 different packages for link set up, one of which is completely free! Price for the link set up depends on how many garment styles, colors, and different artwork options. Please contact us for further information on this.



Selling shirts online does require extra work and time. To cover that cost, there will be 10% added to every item on your link. Example: Shirt cost $12 plus 10% fee = $13.20. If you are interested in using the link for a fundraiser, click          for more information.


Turn around time:

The link will remain ‘open’ for a predetermined amount of time. Something to keep in mind is that we print all the shirts at the same time. Once the link is closed, we process the orders, and it takes about 1-2 weeks to do this. So if you want the link open for two weeks, it could be about 4 weeks until the shirts are ready for pick up. (Please make sure your customers are aware of this!) There will also NOT be any orders added after the link has closed as this could cause delays in processing the order.


Links with no close date:

We can create links that do not have a close date. Items on this link must be ones that we are able to do one at a time, and not in bulk. Please contact us for further information on this.


When the order is finished:

We sort, count, and package every single order. We can customize pick up options to suit your needs. They can pick up in our store or if you would like to give the option of a more convenient location for pick up, we can do that. We also ship for those that select and pay for shipping. If you pick up any orders for distribution, they will be individually bagged with order forms attached, for your convenience!


Where to start:

Ready to get started with your own group order link? Click the button below and fill out the form with all the necessary information. We will contact you from there!

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